The most modern alternative medicine center in the North. There is a team of medical professionals who are both general and medical experts. Chinese Medicine and Kinesiology Waiting to give advice, give advice, and help design complete treatment for symptoms. and complete treatment in one place Whether it be acupuncture, cupping, massage, herbal compresses, herbal steam. and many other services with good care from a team of doctors and clinical personnel who are there to help, give advice, and give various recommendations. meticulously So that everyone who comes to use our clinic will receive the best service from the clinic. Treat everyone with care. Because of our clinic I want to see everyone have good health. and have the beauty you desire.”
Kayadee Alternative Wellness Chiang Mai
- Mueang, Chiang Mai
Project Details
OUR SERVICE: Our clinic takes care of your health. Office syndrome, diabetes, weight loss, acupuncture, cupping, physical therapy, acupuncture to increase height, Chinese herbs, traditional Chinese medicine, we treat infertility. Taking care of mother after giving birth sexual performance Chinese herbal moxibustion Treats trigger finger/carpal tunnel syndrome Acupuncture treats pain high blood pressure Fat clogs the arteries. Lose weight with acupuncture Anti-aging program Check for allergens Rehabilitate the body after surgery, shock wave therapy, acupuncture, hair follicle stimulation, and other treatments. By traditional Chinese medicine that combines treatment with physical therapy. By stimulating the body to heal itself. Along with good treatment with Chinese herbal medicine Take care of treatment by a team of Chiang Mai medical experts. and beauty services such as facial massage, acupuncture for a clear face, Botox injections, Vitamin Drift to reduce wrinkles, thread lifts, filler injections, HIFU, anti-aging, MESO, anti-aging, MESO FAT, along with treatment with good Chinese herbal medicine. Medical team to take care of everyone Like family members We hope that the services that we have selected for you
Kayadee Alternative Wellness Chiang Mai
+66(0) 91 499 2462
- +66(0) 85 562 1146
- phuket plus co., ltd.